Wednesday, July 30, 2014


(Williams-Sonoma Cooking School Lincoln Park)
I recently had the pleasure of attending some diverse culinary experiences that included hands-on cooking sessions and observational demonstrations.  In each of these experiences, I learned a great deal about cooking and techniques, including how quality prep tools and quality ingredients are key to turning out a finished product that not only looks good on the plate, but is also healthy and tastes delicious; it also helps to have recipes that are easy to follow that yield stunning results.

(Sweet Crunchy Exotic Burger) 
Ditch the Forks Experience ~ Hosted by Barry Callebaut Chocolate Academy Hosted
Chef Instructor Celine Plano led the step-by-step classroom demonstrations of her summer-fresh themed miniature sweet creations that included Chocolate Pizza, Crunchy Exotic Burger, and Sweet Taco with Rhuberry Salsa (rhubarb and strawberries). A demonstration of alcoholic beverages that featured chocolate, spices, and herbs was led by Mixologist Azrhiel Frost; I tried sips of the three offerings, Ruby Spice, Bay Window Sipper, and Lavender Fields, and found the alcohol content too overpowering, which diminished the delicate flavors of the chocolate, spices, and herbs.  After the demonstrations, a buffet reception followed that featured all of these beautiful sweet bites and libations.  Each delectable sweet was a visual work of art, and almost too beautiful to eat, and could easily be mistaken for their savory counterpart.  Recipes were provided to all attendees.

(Avocado and Crabmeat Salad) 
Flavor Your Life and Oh, Olive! Experience ~ Hosted by The Chopping Block
This was an extremely informative experience that took place at The Chopping Block, and was sponsored by Flavor Your Life, a global campaign to educate and inform people on all-things olive oil; Dr. Sandra Schuenenmann and Mary Koval from Oh, Olive! The Olive Oil Store, a specialty olive oil emporium, made a presentation on the benefits and types of olive oil, which included tastings.  In-house chefs led the hands-on cooking experience by all of the attendees; groups of four focused their culinary talents on various components of the featured menu items, which included Fregula Pasta with Apricots, Avocado and Crabmeat Salad, Grilled Marinated Chicken Breasts on Grilled Rustic Bread, Gluten-Free Kitchen Sink Cookies, and Tropical Island Blondies.  These menu items were enjoyable to prepare and very delicious.  Send me an email if you’re interested in receiving a copy of the recipes.

(Freshmade Croissants)
The French Pastry Experience ~ Hosted by The French Pastry School
Before the classroom demonstration, there was a tour of this impressive School.  The tour was followed by a light breakfast consisting of student-made croissants and fresh made raspberry preserves; orange juice and nice strong coffee was also available.  World Pastry Champion and Chef Instructor Patrice Caillot conducted the step-by-step classroom demonstrations of delectable pastries that included Honey and Lemon Madeleines, Molded Coffee Ganache Bonbons, Passion Fruit Marshmallow, Pear Financier with Hazelnut Praline Ice Cream.  Attendees tasted samples of each of the exquisite dessert items, and were given recipes for each featured item.

Saturday Sourcing Experience ~ Hosted by Pirch Chicago
Located in upscale Oakbrook Center, Pirch Chicago, which opened this Spring, offers architects, builders and home renovators design and showroom that are distinctive and interactive; the store offers kitchen, laundry, bath, and outdoor showroom areas that are fully functional, providing the customer with a unique experience.  Pirch loves showing its prospective customers the many benefits of its wares with remodeling and design workshops, and especially cooking demonstrations, or hands-on sessions.  Pirch offers a monthly Cinema Sunday, where a movie is shown and a full meal is prepared by the Culinary Team, and then served to attendees; then there’s Saturday Sourcing, a series of monthly hands-on cooking sessions that feature local and organic seasonal produce (provided by FarmLogix).  These hands-on cooking sessions get customers involved in experiencing the showroom equipment firsthand, while preparing delicious dishes.  The session I attended was held in their Patio Showroom, which is a grand outdoor cooking set-up.  Our menu included a hors d'oeuvres of ceviche on grilled rustic breadwhite fish en papillote, roasted heirloom fingerling potatoes with grated Parmigiano-Reggiano, roasted mix of Patty pan squash and baby zucchini, and a salad consisting of Swiss chard, heirloom red and green spinach, roasted red beets, and heirloom cherry tomatoes.  The fish en papillote was prepared with parchment, EVOO, fresh garlic, butter, white wine, capers, and a lemon slice; the roasted vegetables were dressed with EVOO, sea salt and cracked pepper; and, the salad was dressed with a lime-cilantro EVOO vinaigrette.  For dessert, there was a phyllo stack using fresh sliced apricots, maple-bourbon syrup, and whipped cream.  This hands-on cooking experience emphasized the axiom that when it comes to cooking, using simple recipes and fresh ingredients is best…it also doesn’t hurt having superior equipment for prepping and cooking.  These sessions are open to the general public and are currently free of charge.

(Sweet Potato Cheesecake with Marshmallow Meringue)
Fall Dinner Celebration Experience ~ Hosted by Williams-Sonoma Cooking School
Located in Chicago’s Lincoln Park, this was the first fully operational Williams-Sonoma Cooking School; a second one is now open in San Francisco.  The Cooking School is part of this location’s enormous new store, which opened in late-spring 2013.  All classes are hands-on and can accommodate up to ten students; classes are led by experienced chef instructors, and range from two-hour to four-hour intensives.  I took a four-hour course themed around a fall dinner celebration.  Featured menu items included Apple-Orange Cranberry Sauce, Waldorf Salad with Blue Cheese, Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Chestnuts, Mashed Potatoes with Herb-Infused Cream and Chives, Crunchy Bread Dressing with Bacon and Leeks, Madeira-Sage Turkey Gravy, Herbes de Provence Roast Turkey, Mulled Wine, and Sweet Potato Cheesecake with Marshmallow Meringue.  All food items were organic and sourced locally.  The only items not prepared by the students, who were grouped by two at each fully stocked and equipped station, were the Roast Turkey, Mulled Wine, and Cheesecake.  Recipes for these delicious dishes are available on the website.   It was a joy working on professional-grade equipment and prep tools; the prep tools and service pieces were available for purchase in-store, with the exception of the fabulous Miele digital range.  Attendees were provided with recipes for each item, and are also available on the website.

~ In Closing ~

Culinary wizardry is something that’s culled over years of failing, continuing to try, and then succeeding; it rarely, if ever, happens overnight, which is true of any art form.  Chefs and home cooks know they don’t have to be a celebrity in order to be successful at what they’re doing.  Some of the most fulfilled culinary folks I know are home cooks.  And, while I’m not a always super-duper cook, I can work my way around the kitchen and come up with some pretty tasty creations.  It’s simple, really…just love what you’re doing, be inquisitive, be adventuresome, and never cry over the spilt milk, burnt garlic, fallen cake, or omitted ingredient…out of these “negatives”, the creative cook often comes up with a brand new and better concoction. 

That’s it for this edition.  Until the next one, remember to always celebrate yourself and your culinary curiosity.  Happy cooking…happy eating…happy drinking.

By Terry Herman

TERRY HERMAN continues perfecting her passion for food and wine.  She has been covering culinary related for many years as it relates to wellness and a healthy lifestyle.  Her popular blog, Terry's Spa, Beauty and Wellness Go-To has featured formidable reviews of cookbooks, restaurants, wine and food, food prep and tools, chef interviews, and coverage of prestigious events such as the International Home+Housewares Show, the National Restaurant Show and the Sweets and Snacks Expo.  She has been published since the mid-1990s in both consumer and trade publications, and is regarded as an expert in spa, beauty, wellness, travel and lifestyle, and is frequently interviewed by publications for her expert content.  She has also presented at major industry conferences, and has served with distinction on numerous governing and advisory boards.  She has a background in strategic and qualitative management, consulting, and motivational speaking.  Her social media outreach includes Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Cision Seek or Shout, Plaxo, Red Room, Pinterest, and Tripatini.  For additional information, email her at


(Introductory photo credit from Williams-Sonoma Lincoln Park; Flavor Your Life photo by Ben Speckmann; all other photo credits as represented by the specific brand.)

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